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[Other resourceIntroductionToDirectx93DGameProgramming

Description: Introduction to directx9 3d game programming 一书的源代码-Introduction to directx9 3d game programm ing a book source code
Platform: | Size: 4915069 | Author: swordman | Hits:

[Other resourceSGSDK

Description: 烁光3D引擎演示版SDK,该引擎是在directx9.0c环境下开发,用的是C++VS2005. 目前该引擎支持天空盒,地形,.X骨骼动画,AABB碰撞检测,粒子系统,3D音效,MP3播放等功能-3D engine demo version of the SDK, the engine is under development directx9.0c environment, C is the VS2005. The engine currently supports sky boxes, topography,. X-skeletal animation, collision detection AABB, Particle systems, 3D sound, MP3 player and other functions
Platform: | Size: 17561036 | Author: diskonline | Hits:

[Other resourceWinDirectx

Description: 创建了一个简单的Win32 Dirctx9窗口,没有做任何事情,是Directx9一般程序的框架-create a simple Win32 Dirctx9 window and has not done anything, Directx9 general procedure is the framework
Platform: | Size: 2005697 | Author: 胡晓龙 | Hits:

[Other resourceCharacter_Engine

Description: 直接利用Directx9的D3D对象,进行人物绘制,动作表现-direct use of the Display Object Directx9, figure drawing, motor performance
Platform: | Size: 738419 | Author: RayDeng | Hits:

[Other resourcesnow

Description: 一个directx9写的非常漂亮的场景,源码和资源
Platform: | Size: 7405777 | Author: 颜春欢 | Hits:

[Other resourceDirectX9_User_Interfaces_Design_and_Implementation

Description: DirectX9 User Interfaces Design and Implementation,挺好的书,不过是英文版本的,对想学游戏的人来说不错
Platform: | Size: 3185227 | Author: 宁昕 | Hits:


Description: DirectX 旋转的立方体实,Visual C++和DirectX9 开发。
Platform: | Size: 9946 | Author: lixiujun | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4AVI_Player

Description: AVI_Player使用Microsoft DirectX9 SDK 開發之影片播放程式
Platform: | Size: 27292 | Author: Jacky | Hits:

[Other resourceSurfaces

Description: Directx9 Surface的应用,小鱼在水中游动的动画。
Platform: | Size: 20108 | Author: 胡晓龙 | Hits:

[Other resourceManagedDirectX9

Description: 深入Managed DirectX 9中文chm格式.不错的directx9资料.
Platform: | Size: 738172 | Author: 杨眉 | Hits:

[Other resourcebeginning-directx-src

Description: DirectX9入门教程-[Beginning.DirectX9][EN]源码
Platform: | Size: 1222395 | Author: 周锐 | Hits:


Description: directx9两辆高质量车在空间行驶,上下左右键控制.
Platform: | Size: 5515618 | Author: 秦硕 | Hits:

[Other resourceHairSimulation

Description: 基于DirectX9和R2VB的头发模拟,编译环境 Visual C++ 6.0以上,显卡9500以上
Platform: | Size: 1448871 | Author: 王永超 | Hits:

[Other resourcegpgpu_fluid

Description: 环境,vc,DirectX9 2007。cg语言编写的基于GPU流体模拟,墨水效果
Platform: | Size: 2802672 | Author: 岳月 | Hits:

[Other resourceBeginning_DirectX9_Source_code

Description: Beginning DirectX9的随书源代码.
Platform: | Size: 1052027 | Author: laijiaqin | Hits:


Description: DirectX9.0 ps2.0 vs2.0 3维俄罗斯方块游戏程序
Platform: | Size: 558902 | Author: 刘琰 | Hits:

[Other resourceAdvancedPartSys

Description: vc+directx9实现的粒子系统,界面很漂亮,可以选择粒子的数量和速度.
Platform: | Size: 341237 | Author: liuqinghua | Hits:

[Other resourceFiringRange

Description: 用vc+directx9开发的一个设计游戏demo,界面效果很不错.按wsad为左右前后键.
Platform: | Size: 5846195 | Author: liuqinghua | Hits:


Description: 基于对话框的DX基本框架,可在此基础上进行开发,运行平台.net2003 DirectX9.0c SDK
Platform: | Size: 486157 | Author: 廉磊 | Hits:


Description: 基于文档视图模式的DX框架源码 .net2003平台 DirectX9.0C sdk
Platform: | Size: 178957 | Author: 廉磊 | Hits:
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