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[mpeg mp3DVB-S

Description: asi 接口输出-asi interface output
Platform: | Size: 626688 | Author: 谢由超 | Hits:

[Multimedia programofdm_recep

Description: DVB-ofdm接收端解码源程序 程序对接受的DVB发射码流进行OFDM解调-DVB-OFDM receiver decoder source acceptable procedures for launching bitstream DVB OFDM demodulator
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 孙剑 | Hits:

[Multimedia programofdm_trans_recep_1D

Description: 基于DVB-T的一维插值信道估计和均衡 在瑞利和莱斯信道环境下对DVB传输码流进行信道估计和均衡。-based on the DVB-T one-dimensional interpolation channel estimation and balanced in Rayleigh Road and Rice letter environment for DVB transport stream for channel estimation and balanced.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 孙剑 | Hits:

[mpeg mp3libdvb-0.5.0.tar

Description: DVB系统解码过程,详细介绍了每一个系统表的解码过程-DVB system decoding process, detailing every one of the system tables decoding process
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: 谭博 | Hits:

[Program docDVB-SIEN300468

Description: 做数字电视DVB-C项目的必备资料.对SI有兴趣的朋友可以研究-Does digital TV DVB-C data items required. Of SI are interested can study Friend
Platform: | Size: 889856 | Author: 肖.. | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4DVB-T

Description: DVB-T技术手册:1.DVB-T技术手册 2.DVB-T的信号特点 3.DVB-T单频网络的同步 4.DVB-T网络的接收与覆盖.-DVB-T Technical Manual: 1.DVB-T Technical Manual 2.DVB-T signal characteristics 3.DVB-T Single Frequency Network synchronization 4.DVB-T network to receive coverage.
Platform: | Size: 749568 | Author: wang | Hits:

[Software Engineeringdvb-t

Description: dvb-t技术手册第一部分,包括标准概述,系统框图,dvb-t系统的主要参数介绍,入门级资料。-dvb-t the first part of technical manuals, including the standard outlined in the system block diagram, dvb-t introduce the main parameters of the system, entry-level information.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 尚伟 | Hits:


Description: DVB-S+HDTV,DVB开发方面的论文,I) 基 于 C语言。对MPEG-2系统级标准关于TS码流处理的核心算法进行 建模-DVB-S+ HDTV, DVB in the development of papers, I) based on the C language. Of MPEG-2 system-level standards on the TS code stream processing core algorithm modeling
Platform: | Size: 4463616 | Author: 饭桶 | Hits:

[Program docDVB

Description: DVB系统中交织器和解交织器设计的FPGA实现-DVB system, the reconciliation Interleaver Interleaver design FPGA implementation
Platform: | Size: 708608 | Author: 程钢 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringDVB-T2_Frame_structure

Description: 地面数字视频广播的数据帧结构通道编码和解调-DVB-T2 data frame structure, channel coding and demodulation
Platform: | Size: 1742848 | Author: 何剑锋 | Hits:


Description: DVB-T2 ldpc encoder part by guidebook
Platform: | Size: 3701760 | Author: jerry | Hits:


Description: dvb-t2 modulator description
Platform: | Size: 452608 | Author: Sergey | Hits:


Description: DVB-T2中13种码率的BCH编码matlab仿真程序-BCH code in DVB-T2
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: mablelai | Hits:


Description: BBC开发的DVB-T2系统的matlab通用仿真平台,编码的每步结果都输出在特定的TXT文件,可以用作结果验证!-BBC developed the DVB-T2 system Matlab simulation platform, every step of the coding results are output in a specific TXT file can be used for results validation.
Platform: | Size: 677888 | Author: 王晋 | Hits:

[Industry researchDVB-T2-standard

Description: DVB T2的09年至12年的所有标准文档,每部标准都有不同的侧重点。-DVB-T2 in 2009 to 12 years, all standard document, each standard has a different focus.
Platform: | Size: 9919488 | Author: 史永涛 | Hits:

[File Formatdvb-t2-master

Description: dvb-t2 simulation matlab program
Platform: | Size: 557056 | Author: nezya | Hits:


Description: ldpc and bch code on dvb-t2
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: endoftime | Hits:


Description: Constellation Rotation in DVB-T2
Platform: | Size: 2434048 | Author: Dina.Ibrahim | Hits:


Description: DVB-T2帧同步模块,先做了matlab实现可以实现效果,再转到FPGA上进行了实现;里面还有复数小数转二进制以及二进制转复数小数的代码(The DVB-T2 frame synchronization module is implemented first by MATLAB, and it can achieve the effect. Then it is implemented on FPGA. There are also codes for complex decimal to binary and binary to plural decimal.)
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 天晴见下雨不见 | Hits:


Description: BBC开发的通用仿真平台可以对DVB-T2进行结果验证(Simulation platform)
Platform: | Size: 976896 | Author: 二分法粪我 | Hits:
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