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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network TCP/IP stack
Title: tcp-ip详解卷2 Download
 Description: the book complete and detailed presentation of the TCP/IP protocol is how to achieve it. The book is about 500 Legend, OK 15000 actual operation of the C code, For the use of teaching methods to help you master the TCP/IP protocol. The book shows not only the socket API and agreements ethnic relations and hosts and routers to achieve the difference. Also introduced 4.4BSD-Lite version of the new features, such as multicast, long fat pipe, window zoom, timestamp options and other topics, etc.. Readers of this book, Volume 1 should have elaborated on the TCP/IP basic knowledge. This applies to hope to understand TCP/TP how to achieve the agreement, including the preparation of Web applications programmers and the use of TCP/IP to safeguard the computer network system administrator.
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