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Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop GUI Develop Dialog_Window
Title: 一个很COOL的透明浮动窗口 Download
 Description: I think in practical application is still relatively small, but the authors of programming ideas have to learn from.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader dahaidemeng]
 To Search:
  • [CDialogSK] - This a transparent window in the product
  • [tabctrl] - This code is added to the Tab Ctrl float
  • [DockWindow] - Sub-form programming examples, achieved
  • [WirelessWindows] - GUI windows, contains background mobile,
  • [tmct.ZIP] - VC with a beautiful \ aesthetic and prac
  • [MyTooltip_Cool] - tool tips, the coolest tool tip category
  • [likeflashget] - Flashget
  • [TransDlg] - Realize transparent display dialog: the
  • [SCBDemo3] - Multi-interface into a floating window,
  • [bardemo] - VC can be used to achieve drag the float
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