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Downloads SourceCode Windows Develop WinSock-NDIS
Title: 一个对Winsock 完成端口模型封装的类 Download
 Description: under the Windows network server program development, no doubt, Winsock completed port model is the most efficient. Winsock port model with complete preview of overlap and complete port IO to achieve complete port after the model to understand is a relatively simple, but want to know the complete Winsock port model, the need for the Windows threads, thread synchronization, Winsock API and Windows IO mechanism of a certain understanding. If we do not understand, recommended several books : "Inside Windows 2000," Windows core programming "," WIN32 multithreaded programming "," WINDOWS network programming technology. " Last year, I used C language under complete port model was a WEBSERVER, few days ago, I decided to rewrite the C WEBSERVER to the WEBSERVER i
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