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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network Email Client
Title: Email_MAPI Download
 Description: completed using disk-Email client can attach additional functions Archives
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 邱奕維]
 To Search: IMAP MAPI
  • [HttpMail] - How demonstrated has connected the Hotm
  • [imapReadMail] - read through IMAP mail
  • [mailserver] - a system service that supports SMTP, POP
  • [temail2] - TX MAPI E-Mail (SMTP E-mail), fax Compon
  • [Email3] - including the transmission of e-mail pro
  • [reademail] - a website to read the e-mail addresses a
  • [SIMPLE_MAPI_DEMO] - is a realization of the procedures for S
  • [MAIL_LOOK] - useful to look at the mail procedures, a
  • [Email] - This is a C++ Realized e-mail type, you
  • [IMAPLibrary] - IMAP library, you can send and receive I
File list (Check if you may need any files):

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