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Title: GateServerS8.3 Download
 Description: Millennium game server-side components, set up one of the five server components.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 赤峰红山]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
GateServerS8.3 0 2019-04-30
GateServerS8.3\CreateChar.ini 234 2014-12-23
GateServerS8.3\DontChar.txt 187 2015-10-27
GateServerS8.3\Village.Ini 35 2017-01-24
GateServerS8.3\gate.ini 402 2019-04-30
GateServerS8.3\gate1000.acs 25612 2014-12-23
GateServerS8.3\log 0 2019-04-30
GateServerS8.3\tgs1000.acs 25612 2014-12-23
GateServerS8.3\wintosan.tbl 65536 2014-12-23
GateServerS8.3\Gate Server S8.3.exe 575488 2019-04-30

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