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Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms matlab
Title: 12 极限学习机参考程序 Download
 Description: Used for prediction, the ultimate learning machine Matlab program, can run directly, suitable for learning,...
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12 极限学习机参考程序\elmpredict.m 754 2017-08-27
12 极限学习机参考程序\elmtrain.m 1347 2017-08-27
12 极限学习机参考程序\iris_data.mat 1105 2010-10-17
12 极限学习机参考程序\main_iris.m 1590 2017-08-27
12 极限学习机参考程序\main_spectra.m 1424 2017-08-27
12 极限学习机参考程序\spectra_data.mat 171497 2010-10-14
12 极限学习机参考程序 0 2018-03-21

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