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Title: 苹果cmsV10采集插件 Download
 Description: maccmsV10 collection plug-in Supporting the collection of Youku, Aiqiyi, Tencent, Lexus, Sohu, Mango, m3u8, limited/system-level resources, welfare resources, photo resources, etc. Support VIP video collection and integration of multiple resource stations to ensure resource renewal efficiency and resource stability. This collection plug-in is the two integrated plug-in. The resource station is provided by other websites, not provided by this station. This collection plug-in is not automatically collected, not collected regularly, and needs to be manually collected and updated.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
application 0 2018-08-01
application\admin 0 2018-08-01
application\admin\view 0 2018-08-01
application\admin\view\collect 0 2018-08-01
application\admin\view\collect\union.html 931 2018-08-01

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