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Title: 混凝土随机球形骨料球体蒙特卡洛随机分布模型 Download
 Description: Random spherical aggregate in the restricted space (sphere) random distribution model, I write it myself, with originality. Animation shows the modeling process. Three kinds of aggregates with different particle sizes are randomly distributed. The process of simulating the concrete material. It is helpful to the subsequent finite element calculation.
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随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型\500个随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型动画.gif 5066670 2018-05-20
随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型\ConcreteBone_3D3.m 3574 2018-05-20
随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型\混凝土复合材料随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型.jpg 38353 2018-05-20
随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型\混凝土复合材料随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型动画.gif 5528689 2018-05-10
随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型\混凝土复合材料随机球形骨料在受限空间(立方体)随机分布模型.gif 22111281 2018-05-10
随机球形骨料在受限空间(球体)随机分布模型 0 2018-05-20

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