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Downloads SourceCode Graph program Special Effects
Title: convert Download
 Description: By reading the image data and adjusting the palette, the true color map is transformed into a gray scale map
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader zhangjing00]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
convert\1.bmp 691254 2017-10-12
convert\2.bmp 231478 2017-10-16
convert\convert.cfp 28267 2017-10-12
convert\convert.cfpg 209 2017-10-12
convert\convert.cpp 3985 2017-10-24
convert\convert.exe 65603 2017-10-24
convert\convert.ilk 135872 2017-10-24
convert\convert.obj 4549 2017-10-24
convert\convert.pdb 189440 2017-10-24
convert\lena2.bmp 66614 2017-10-24
convert\lena256_24.bmp 196662 2002-11-22
convert\test.cpp 3425 2017-10-20
convert\test.exe 65600 2017-10-20
convert\test.ilk 133208 2017-10-20
convert\test.obj 3865 2017-10-20
convert\test.pdb 189440 2017-10-20
convert\vc60.pdb 53248 2017-10-24
convert 0 2017-12-29

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