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Title: Library_of_Cryptographic Download
 Description: a C++ Class Library of Cryptographic Primitives This library includes: MD2, MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, Tiger, RIPE-MD160, MD5-MAC, HMAC, XOR-MAC, DES, IDEA, WAKE, 3-WAY, TEA, SAFER, Blowfish, SHARK, GOST, CAST-128, Square,Diamond2, Sapphire, RC2, RC5, RC6, MARS, SEAL, Luby-Rackoff, MDC, various encryption modes (CFB, CBC, OFB, counter), DH, DH2, MQV, DSA, NR, ElGamal, LUC, LUCDIF, LUCELG, Rabin, RW, RSA, BlumGoldwasser, elliptic curve cryptosystems, BBS, DEFLATE compression,Shamir s secret sharing scheme, Rabin s information dispersal scheme.
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