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Title: smil2.0 Download
 Description: smil reference manual, it is difficult to find
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 To Search: SMIL smil2 SMIL2.0
  • [wap_wsp_mms] - pc through the use of online TX mms of s
  • [SimRTP] - RTP Video test, the test rtp flow contro
  • [mmslib-0.1.tar] - mmslib1.0 support MMS production, analyt
  • [SMIL(MMS)] - MMS SMIL production norms, introduce MMS
  • [MMS] - MMS s source code, including the packagi
  • [mms_sr] - mms source development, including the tr
  • [tif] - Picture format conversion code, tif to b
  • [http] - Detailed http protocol, the bottom of th
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