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Title: singlechip Download
 Description: 139 microcontroller source code program and simulation diagram (DSN), with proteus simulation, learning microcontroller excellent program. For example: "lcd1602 simulation of real- Cases ", 2io5 keyboard analog volume digital tube display, 4 wire stepper motor control, 8-channel automatic temperature detection system simulation (including the original program), 32X16LED character dot-matrix display (atmega16), 32x16 characters, DS18B20 simulation example, PWM motor positive inversion, PWM thermostat, SPI presentation files 2 595 docking, ULN2803, music, code complete Chinese version [1], microcontroller-controlled electric bicycle drive system, single-chip experiment 29 Months, the Russian box, just do a good job in 10 words led screen simulation of process gets to a temperature and humidity sensor circuit, mixed-voltage system design, based on the PROTEUS the Sokoban game, water lights ...
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader mingren1186]
File list (Check if you may need any files):
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...............\...............\........\..\LOADS_SINKS\RF DUMMY LOAD 100Mhz TEST.DSN
...............\...............\........\..\...........\RF DUMMY LOAD.DSN
...............\...............\._D_ D_A\555TIMERS_DESIGNS\3-15.DSN

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