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Downloads SourceCode Game Program Chess Poker games
Title: game Download
 Description: 3. " Bypass" game, 2 players, referees. Requirements: (1) poker for 52, in which color is " spade, red, flower, box," each color there are A, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, J , Q, K (2) poker need to be fully opened to wash and distribute the game to about 2 square hands (3) a license, each time around the turn from a side out there on the " bridge to the top" if  additional number of licenses and the original bridge on whether the number of equivalent: Yes, a license to be similar between the two figures and all the license folder, not-for-one card  When one card out of the hands of the net , then the end of the game  At the end of the prompt " 左右两方, Whose victory."
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