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Title: base64 Download
 Description: base64 encryption and decryption, c language. facilitate the transplant.
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 To Search: base64
  • [base64] - The program of BASE 64 encryption and de
  • [mime] - BASE64 encoding/decoding of the source c
  • [ed64] - base64 decoding algorithm
  • [base64decoder] - Base64 decoder for Visual C, the so-call
  • [base64] - C++ Under the base64 encoding, can suppo
  • [Note] - Personal notebook, diary, or record a va
  • [bank_managemnt_system_sourcecodes] - a sample to share to others
  • [Base64Coder_wrap] - base64 codec code package, it is easy to
  • [OssLin] - The use of OpenSSL to achieve file encry
  • [Base64] - Main functions: 1, may decode Base64 fil
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