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Title: IR Download
 Description: IR
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader kyzlin]
  • [ir-code] - -Receiver program for remote infrared en
  • [infrared] - improved version of the infrared remote
  • [7461] - C51 prepared in 7461 based on the infrar
  • [remote] - NEC code, STC89C51 MCU Infrared Remote C
  • [LibraryManagementSystem] - Library management system, able to opera
  • [java_elevator] - Using java to achieve multi-elevator dis
  • [proteus_ir_nec_c51] - Infrared proteus simulation done c51 ir
  • [NEC] - NEC remote control decoder experiment, c
  • [Ir] - That is code of Ir for sending and recei
  • [remote-AVR] - AVR library for IR communication.
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