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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network Search Engine
Title: AnalyzerViewer_source Download
 Description: Lucene.Net is a high performance Information Retrieval (IR) library, also known as a search engine library. Lucene.Net contains powerful APIs for creating full text indexes and implementing advanced and precise search technologies into your programs. Some people may confuse Lucene.net with a ready to use application like a web search/crawler, or a file search application, but Lucene.Net is not such an application, it s a framework library. Lucene.Net provides a framework for implementing these difficult technologies yourself. Lucene.Net makes no discriminations on what you can index and search, which gives you a lot more power compared to other full text indexing/searching implications you can index anything that can be represented as text. There are also ways to get Lucene.Net to index HTML, Office documents, PDF files, and much more.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader bcbbkimo]
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