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Title: FileEncryptorVC_ProAndCrked Download
 Description: Encryption FileEncryptorVC Project Encrypted file: add ".aes" to filename. 3M: 3 seconds for Enc & Dec + AES: QuickAES, quick enough - Bug: Slider value (1~3) match to (0~2) wrong, fixed - Bug: Password is taken as Unicode, so if only half is taken as true password, if lenght SAME & first half CORRECT, decryption will be OK (Original password "abcdefgh", user enter "abcdxxxx" will be OK!!!) { ** SHA512::End(unsigned char*M, int len) should take the SAME len, while content in M should only HALF SAME } + When decode mode, control "Security level" needn t to be specified, use the one in the file header + Check password first for decryption process, then decrypt the content of whole file, quit quickly if wrong password! - Unsafe!!!! : It uses sha512 to check the password, also saved in the file, but the key for encryption/decryption is sha256 !!!!! not sha512! When decode mode, only get hash512 from the password and compare with the
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