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Title: UCos-II.core.analysis.Transplantation.and.Driver.D Download
 Description: " UC/os-II core analysis. Transplantation and Driver Development" book with CD-ROM of all the source code, all through the debugger. Introduce the book μC/OS- Ⅱ core analysis, the transplanting process and driver development methodology. ΜC/OS- Ⅱ first book in the 8051 Series single-chip on the transplant as an example, a detailed analysis of μC/OS- Ⅱ core and transplantation process then to serial communication as an example, how to introduce μC/OS- Ⅱ Add real-time kernel device driver introduction Finally μC/OS- Ⅱ in the digital signal processor [DSP] on the transplant, in order to enable the reader to further deepen the understanding of μC/OS- Ⅱ.
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