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Title: IDEA Download
 Description: This is a provision of the IDEA by VC encryption algorithm demonstration system, which contains the source code
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader lijingjing360]
 To Search: IDEA
  • [ideatest] - IDEA Encryption Algorithm Implementation
  • [EncryptSet] - encryption is a set procedure, including
  • [Des-Mac] - DES encryption and decryption and MAC al
  • [ac_source] - encryption algorithm code files, includi
  • [ecoder_more] - Dozens of commonly used encryption algor
  • [Idea] - Related to the IDEA encryption algorithm
  • [AesCode] - AES encryption and decryption algorithms
  • [MD5] - Md5 source encryption algorithm, is VC++
  • [IDEA] - IDEA algorithm. Very practical, it is ha
  • [IDEA] - The use of C++ to achieve IDEA private k
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