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Title: Dedict-src Download
 Description: Implementation method ... Subversive of the traditional dictionary, no longer is the alphabet of the foolish climb the grid, a new experience! Visualized electronic dictionaries, graphical ways, visualizing the connections between words. Statistical data and people's own perceptual cognition are consistent: People are most impressed by the memory effects of graphics, followed by forms, and the worst is text Due to the limitations of industry characteristics of traditional publishing industry, traditional paper dictionaries can only be arranged in alphabetical order in order to facilitate retrieval. So we always see is such a dictionary, even a lot of electronic dictionary is still follow the tradition, despite the fact that the alphabet is very bad for the brain's memory and accept. We call it the traditional dictionary, dictionary or lash order to distinguish it from DEDict. Nowadays, thanks to the high development of computer technology, the use of multimedia technology, the general use of Internet technology, electronic dictionaries also have the basis of innovation. To organize the expression of words in a graphical way, completely different revolutionary user experience. More in line with the human cognitive principle, physiological characteristics. So, with this dictionary... May he be of help to you
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