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Title: ppp3 Download
 Description: code P0301 : Digital image data matrix display and Fourier Transform P0302 : Two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression P0303 : Gray used a new method to enhance the contrast of the image P0304 : histogram equalization P0305 : Simulation images by white Gaussian noise and Impulse noise impact P0306 : 2D median filtering function medfilt2 right by the Salt and Pepper image noise filtering P0307 : MATLAB filter2 the function of noise interference by the image filtering P0308 : Image Adaptive Filter Weiner P0309 : use five different gradient Enhancement Act for image sharpening P0310 : Images of the high-pass filtering and mask handling P0311 : use Butterworth (Butterworth) low-pass filter to noise interference by the image smoothing P 0312 : Butterworth (Butterworth) high-pa
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