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Title: openssl_program(doc) Download
 Description: openssl is a feature-rich, self-contained open-source security toolkit. It provides the main functions: SSL protocol implementation (including the SSLv2, SSLv3 and TLSv1), a large number of soft algorithm (symmetric/asymmetric/summary), operator of large numbers of non-symmetric key generation algorithm, ASN.1 codec library, certificates request (PKCS10) codecs, codec digital certificate, CRL codec, OCSP protocol, the digital certificate authentication, PKCS7 standard realization and personal digital certificate format PKCS12 realize functions. openssl using C language as a development language, which makes it cross-platform with excellent performance. openssl support for Linux, UNIX, windows, Mac and other platforms. openssl is currently the latest version is 0.9.8e.
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