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Downloads SourceCode Multimedia program Video Capture
Title: VFW Download
 Description: Video capture system. Capable of video capture, capture images to bmp stored
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader dh03]
 To Search: VFW
  • [VFWCap] - Windows-based video capture procedure
  • [VFWqudong] - VFW camera driver source code is the use
  • [AviFrame] - source code described how the vc environ
  • [image_capture] - with usb function based on the video cam
  • [MyVideoCap] - wrote Video Acquisition System, with the
  • [CapFrame] - real-time video image capture, and initi
  • [RemoteVideoMonitoringSystem] - Remote Video Monitoring System, the prog
  • [capusb] - Use VC++ 6.0 prepared USB camera image a
  • [Video] - Camera application (direct show program)
  • [directshow] - realize DirectShow video capture single
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