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Title: 2006124936624 Download
 Description: one, 1.1 Summary 3. three 1.2-building background. System of necessity 1.3 6. System 9 2 goals, demand and technical feasibility analysis 11 2.1. User needs analysis 11 2.2. Technical Feasibility Analysis 13 2.2 .1. Internet information services 13 2.2.2. Geographic Information System (GIS) 15 2.2. 3. Web-based Geographic Information System 18 2.2.4. Suggest the technology, applications and operating strategy 19 3. Design System 21 3.1. System design principles and goals 21 3.1.1. 21 goals System 3.1.2 . Design principle 22 3.2. System 24 3.2.1. Analysis of network infrastructure 24 3.2.2.- on the Web GIS Technical Analysis 25 3.3. 27 3.3.1 system function. System-level functional structure 28 3.3.2. Client Design 29
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