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[Report papersRegionalfiremanagementstrategy,firemanagementplanand decision-supportsystemfortheChernobylExclusionZone

Description: Regionalfiremanagementstrategy,firemanagementplanand decision-supportsystemfortheChernobylExclusionZone
Platform: | Size: 35178 | Author: ulabnit@gmail.com | Hits:

[Report papersAn integrated approach for mapping fire suppression difficulty in three different ecosystems of Eastern Europe

Description: An integrated approach for mapping fire suppression difficulty in three different ecosystems of Eastern Europe
Platform: | Size: 3060676 | Author: ulabnit@gmail.com | Hits:

[Report papersMonitoring network-based infrastructure for forest fire detection

Description: Monitoring network-based infrastructure for forest fire detection
Platform: | Size: 9349522 | Author: ulabnit@gmail.com | Hits:

[Report papersIAR 8050破解

Description: IAR 8050破解包,IAR 8050破解包
Platform: | Size: 18402314 | Author: 2528562426@qq.com | Hits:

[Report papersAutomatic noise cancellation technology

Description: This thesis introduces the basic research work on the development of the Narrowband Active Noise Control System (ANC). It focuses on providing the noise generator. It combines the virtual instruments’ hardware with softw
Platform: | Size: 1011964 | Author: jionad123 | Hits:

[Report papersOptimization technology of step motor control system

Description: In this paper, a FPGA-based step motor driver implementing adjustable subdivision and sine pulse width modulation is introduced. This driving system can solve the high subdivision problem, increase the driving torque and
Platform: | Size: 623104 | Author: jionad123 | Hits:

[Report papersJava图书管理系统

Description: 本课程实验为一个简单的图书管理系统,用户可以通过在键盘上输入相应指标,完成对图书的信息的管理,基本实现了用户使用图书管理系统的需求。
Platform: | Size: 34759 | Author: 15534403907 | Hits:

[Report papersTTL集成逻辑门的逻辑功能与参数测试

Description: TTL集成逻辑门的逻辑功能与参数测试 1.掌握TTL集成电路的外形、引脚、使用方法; 2.掌握集成门电路的使用及逻辑电平的测量; 3.熟悉使用仿真软件测试门电路的参数和功能。 二、实验器材 1.数字电路实验箱 2.双踪示波器 3.万用表 4.直流毫安表 5.74LS20×2、1K、10K电位器、200Ω电阻器(0.5W)、74LS00、74LS10、74LS04、74LS86。 三、实验内容 1.验证TTL集成与非门74LS20、74L
Platform: | Size: 339380 | Author: AlipayLogin_2088722255046014 | Hits:

[Report papersmac 协议栈

Description: 关于wlan mac协议栈的论文 对mac学习有一定帮助
Platform: | Size: 720145 | Author: zxnmsk@126.com | Hits:

[Report papersInformation retrieval

Description: Information retrieval and data mining. Examen
Platform: | Size: 8930139 | Author: fathi_zahira | Hits:

[Report papersSimulation of Wireless Communication Systems using MATLAB

Description: Objective: Simulate a simple communication system and estimate bit error rate. I System Characteristics: I BPSK modulation, b 2 {1,−1} with equal a priori probabilities, I Raised cosine pulses, I AWGN channel, I oversamp
Platform: | Size: 646893 | Author: jivisadirov@gmail.com | Hits:

[Report papersRobust Image Watermarking Based on Generative Adversarial Network

Description: Digital watermark embeds informa- tion bits into digital cover such as images and videos to prove the creator’s ownership of his work. In this paper, we propose a robust image watermark algorithm based on a generative ad
Platform: | Size: 704508 | Author: bamzi334 | Hits:
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