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[Other resourceParticleEx5

Description: Is also an EKF and particle filter for target tracking in the effectiveness of comparison, the more practical, originally wanted to keep, has donated!
Platform: | Size: 2451 | Author: 胡忠薇 | Hits:

[Other resourcech5_2

Description: My computational graphics defense topic is simple graphic transformations, beginners
Platform: | Size: 153543 | Author: 记忆中的…… | Hits:

[Other resourcech5_3

Description: My reply graphics computing topics, the graphics are some simple transformation, for beginners
Platform: | Size: 29362 | Author: 记忆中的…… | Hits:

[Other resourcech5_4

Description: My reply graphics computing topics, the graphics are some simple transformation, for beginners
Platform: | Size: 32282 | Author: 记忆中的…… | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmstao

Description: A very perfect Huffman decoder have internship report. Source function has encoding, decoding, printing Huffman tree. Data structure is an example of a practical lesson.
Platform: | Size: 15482 | Author: 王涛 | Hits:

[Other resourceEXTINT1

Platform: | Size: 3625 | Author: 卢凌 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsfiter_design

Description: Designed using adaptive FIR filters, see the more traditional methods alone, the result of better design
Platform: | Size: 1281 | Author: Zhang,Y.B. | Hits:

[Other resourcech5

Description: My reply graphics computing topics, the graphics are some simple transformation, for beginners
Platform: | Size: 5767617 | Author: 记忆中的…… | Hits:

[Other resourcecug

Description: Through random data comparison algorithm for comparing the number of keywords and mobile number. Sorting algorithm as follows: Hill sorting, heap sort, quick sort, merge sort. Enforceable, in full compliance with the req
Platform: | Size: 10287 | Author: 王涛 | Hits:

[Special Effectsyuce

Description: Adaptive prediction, adaptive signal prediction methods, input parameters should be set up
Platform: | Size: 887 | Author: Zhang,Y.B. | Hits:

[Other resourcech6

Description: My reply graphics computing topics, the graphics are some simple transformation, for beginners
Platform: | Size: 1219353 | Author: 记忆中的…… | Hits:

[Other resourceOrthogonal_sampling

Description: Quadrature Sampling simulation program to verify the correctness of the results of sampling with the modulation and demodulation method
Platform: | Size: 1150 | Author: Zhang,Y.B. | Hits:
« 1 2 ... .63 .64 .65 .66 .67 30168.69 .70 .71 .72 .73 ... 267497 »

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