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[Game Engine石器时代VIP完整服务端

Description: <p>石器时代VIP完整服务端:</p> <p>52.增加安全码开关,在CF中设置</p> <p>51.增加在线存储数据道具,最大限度防止回档<br /> 在线存储卷,在线存储卷,可以在线存储数据,避免回档,使用间隔30分钟,,,,,,,,ITEM_CharSave,,,,,,20819,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>50.增加VIP会员时间,也就是包时间会员<br /> 会员认证,会员认证,可获永久会员权利,1|0,,,,,,,ITEM_VipRide,,,,,,20818,24176,100,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0<br /> (1|0这个代表1级终身会员,1代表会员等级,可以为2或者3,数字越大会员等级越高,0代表时间,0是终身,30就是30天,大家可以自己定义会员等级和会员期限)</p> <p>49.增加VIP会员等级,为3个等级</p> <p>48.增加随机任务旗标功能</p> <p>47.增加任务旗标数量至510</p> <p>46.增加NPC脚本命令(用来增加荣誉值和减少荣誉值)<br /> AddPoint<br /> DelPoint</p> <p>45.增加NPC判断命令AMPOINT用来判断荣誉值</p> <p>44.添加荣誉系统(老会员点)</p> <p>43.指定地图PK后自动回复体力功能<br /> setup.cf里添加如下内容:<br /> #特殊地图战后补血<br /> MAPHEAL1=-1<br /> MAPHEAL2=-1<br /> MAPHEAL3=-1<br /> MAPHEAL4=-1<br /> MAPHEAL5=-1<br /> MAPHEAL6=-1<br /> MAPHEAL7=-1<br /> MAPHEAL8=-1<br /> MAPHEAL9=-1<br /> MAPHEAL10=-1</p> <p>42.NPC时间判断语句<br /> YEAR 年<br /> MON  月<br /> DATE 日期<br /> DAY  星期<br /> HOUR 小时<br /> MIN  分钟<br /> SEC  秒</p> <p>41.NPC声望判断语句FAME=10000,判断声望=100</p> <p>40.纪录点对话存人物资料功能</p> <p>39.在SAAC里嵌入MYSQL客户端,各位GM不用再去装MYSQL客户端就能启动SAAC了</p> <p>38.增加VIP商店命令,可以自定义宠物血,功,防,敏,等级,转数<br /> Vip_Abi_Pet:宠物编号 血 功 防 敏 等级 转数,会员点数</p> <p>37.增加玩家自定义摆摊模式道具<br /> 摆摊模式卷,摆摊模式卷,可以更改摆摊模式分3种(石币,声望,会员点),,,,,,,,ITEM_TradeType,,,,,,32210,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>36.更改摆摊方式,分为3种(石币,声望,会员点)</p> <p>35.增加CF中禁止传送地图至10张</p> <p>34.增加SQL中完美显示上线玩家名称,使GM更加好管理服务器(简体和繁体都可正常显示)</p> <p>33.NPC加入人物安全锁判断指令,使玩家账号更加安全,SAFE=0未解锁,SAFE=1解锁</p> <p>32.NPC加入changeevent类型中VIP会员的判断指令,VIP=0非会员,VIP=1会员</p> <p>31.修复快速就职等NPC断F的BUG,加入NPC判断指令SKUP</p> <p>30.修复人物声望满100W还可以继续吃声望卷的BUG</p> <p>29.修复神奇戒指男性无法变身的BUG</p> <p>28.新增配合SQL方式会员点的会员点卷道具,使用后直接存入SQL数据库中<br /> 会员卷100点,会员卷100点,可获得会员点数100点,100,,,,,,,ITEM_AddVipPoint,,,,,,30001,24176,100,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>27.在CF中可自定义装备可镶嵌次数,可设置范围1-5</p> <p>26.新增GM自定义宠物4V,等级,转数的命令[gm petmakeabi 编号 血 攻 防 敏 等级 转数]</p> <p>25.新增极品人制作道具,可以极品人转数,等级,红利点,并且上线不爆点,极品人物无法再使用任何加红利点的道具<br /> 极品人道具,极品人道具,可以让自己变成极品人的道具,6|160|1200,,,,,,,ITEM_SuperManItem,,,,,,21254,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0<br /> 玩家使用道具后。直接成为设定的转数、等级、点数。不会暴点  6|160|1200  6转160级 1200红利点</p> <p>24.PETTALK宠物对话NPC定义限制上线8改至10</p> <p>23.称号功能道具 <br /> (说明:定义绚丽的人物称号。丰富游戏内容)<br /> 称号卷,称号卷,使用后可获得一起石器称号,一起石器,,,,,,,ITEM_NewName,,,,,,38822,24176,100,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p>22.删除指定宠物功能 <br /> (说明:可以在玩家登陆时删除指定宠物)</p> <p>21.删除指定道具功能 <br /> (说明:可以在玩家登陆时删除指定道具)</p> <p><br /> 20.新增同一IP登陆数限制<br /> (说明:有效控制服务器负载,防止超员超量)</p> <p><br /> 19.新增抓宠所需物品自定义<br /> (说明:可以自己定义抓某些C必须带上什么样的道具。适合VIP会员使用或丰富游戏任务)</p> <p>18.宠物学习技能定义上限300改至500 <br /> (说明:可以增加更多的宠物新技能)</p> <p>17.新增玩家需安全密码登陆方或删除人物<br /> (说明:提高帐号的安全性,盗号者发现无法偷到东西后。想删人物也是删不到的。让盗号者没有任何办法)</p> <p>16.增加SAAC程序批量对数据库制作冲值卡<br /> (说明:自动增加销售的冲值卡。自定义面额和数量。./saacjt -c)</p> <p>15.老会员点转换到SQL数据库里 <br /> (说明:其他版本服务端的点卷转换成SQL存点卷的工具)<br /> 会员点旧转新,会员点旧转新,可将你原有的会员点转存在数据库里,,,,,,,,ITEM_OldToNew,,,,,,32201,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p><br /> 14.在线会员点充值卡(SQL)功能 <br /> (说明:通过购买的充值卡给人物进行点卷冲值。并通过第三方平台实现24小时无人职守销售点卷。彻底解放GM的手工发放点卷的操作。睡觉也能卖点卷,执行命令./saacjt -c)<br /> 在线充值卡,在线充值卡,输入你的卡号可以在线进行充值,,,,,,,,ITEM_OnlineCost,,,,,,32207,24176,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p><br /> 13.新增道具宠物安全锁 <br /> (说明:彻底封锁盗号者的所有途径,去处SF中无耻盗号的这个毒瘤.就算盗到号也拿不到任何东西)<br /> 安全锁,安全锁,可以对身上的物品宠物进行上锁,锁定后,不解锁不能丢弃,,,,,,,,ITEM_ItemPetLocked,,,,,,32205,22016,0,16,2,0,0,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0</p> <p><br /> 12.恢复登陆记录登陆信息功能<br /> (说明:显示帐号的登陆信息。查询更方便)</p> <p>11.恢复以前锁定账号功能<br /> (说明:方便的在线锁定捣乱的帐号)</p> <p>10.新增SQL会员点搭配的NPC脚本功能 <br /> (说明:配合SQL存会员点功能)</p> <p>9.新增SQL存会员点功能 <br /> (说明:原点卷存放在文件中,安全性无法保证。查询非法持有点卷也非常困难。SQL存点卷。可以进行方便的检索。并配合网頁开发更多新功能)</p> <p>8.已完善96位骑宠模式<br /> (说明:自定义的新骑C,)</p> <p>7.增加地图数量至2000张<br /> (说明:可使服务器中加入更多的新地图而不会出现错误)</p> <p>6.以交易模式PK功能  <br /> (说明:在指定地图。进行交易。放上双方满意的东西。点确定开始PK。胜利者获得双方交易的所有东西。)</p> <p>5.玩家某些事件自动存档<br /> (说明:在玩家进行购买物品。交易或点卷操作的时候。系统会自动为玩家存档。有效防止因服务器问题导致的回档)</p> <p>4.新增世界密聊频道<br /> (使用方法:!!+空格+内容)</p> <p>3.改良小喇叭显示方式<br /> (说明:让玩家使用点卷发送广播,让服务器所有人都能看见)</p> <p>2.会员上线全服提示<br /> (说明:体现会员的优越性)</p> <p>1.以会员点做为赌博方式PK功能<br /> (说明:和普通PK不同,在指定的点卷PK地图中进行PK.根据不同额度,胜者获得失败者点卷)</p>
Platform: | Size: 3254629 | Author: njynjy | Hits:

[Web ServerLivaV2.0

Description: 环境要求 1、操 作 系 统:Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003简体中文版 2、数据库服务器:Microsoft SQL Server 2000 3、Web 服 务 器:Jdk-1_5_X-windows-i586-p + Tomcat 5.5.X -an environmental requirements, operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 English version 2, database server : Microsoft SQL Server 2000 3, Web server : Jdk - 1_5_X-windows-i586-p Tomcat 5.5.X
Platform: | Size: 1515639 | Author: 焦远锋 | Hits:


Description: 会务管理系统,运行平台 Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 9*/ME Windows NT 简单得一个网上会务管理系统,主要是用JAVABEAN组件开发的,数据库是SQL SERVER 2000,JDBC-ODBC连数据库。-association management system, Platform Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 Windows X P Windows 9 * / ME Windows NT in a simple online business of management systems, it is mainly used JAVABEAN development of the components, the database is SQL Server 2000. JDBC-ODBC connected databases.
Platform: | Size: 10990561 | Author: | Hits:


Description: This a p熟悉SQL SERVER 2000的数据库管理员都知道,其DTS可以进行数据的导入导出,其实,我们也可以使用Transact-SQL语句进行导入导出操作。在 Transact-SQL语句中,我们主要使用OpenDataSource函数、OPENROWSET 函数,关于函数的详细说明,请参考SQL联机帮助。利用下述方法,可以十分容易地实现SQL SERVER、ACCESS、EXCEL数据转换,hoto of a general purpose timer/counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control DC or servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or stepper motors using its square wave capabilities. The figure below is the actual output (square wave) from the 8254 card captured by an oscilloscope: -This a p familiar with the SQL Server 2000 database administrators know, the DTS can import data is derived, in fact, we can also use Transact-SQL for importing and exporting operation. The Transact-SQL statements, we mainly use OpenDataSource function, OPENROWSET function, the function of the details, please refer to SQL online help. Use the following method, it is easy to SQL Server, Access, Excel data conversion, HOTO of a general purpose timer / counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC ISA bus s just like a sound card or modem. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control or DC servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or Stepper motors using its square wave capabi
Platform: | Size: 5788 | Author: 海应 | Hits:

[Database systemAsp Access查询分析器


类似sql server 2000 的sql 查询分析器界面,可以对网站上的access数据库直接执行sql查询语句


Platform: | Size: 73192 | Author: dearshishi | Hits:

[BooksSQL Server 2000 看图教程

Description: SQL Server 2000 看图教程-SQL Server 2000 flashcards Guide
Platform: | Size: 17784832 | Author: 刘云 | Hits:


Description: This a p熟悉SQL SERVER 2000的数据库管理员都知道,其DTS可以进行数据的导入导出,其实,我们也可以使用Transact-SQL语句进行导入导出操作。在 Transact-SQL语句中,我们主要使用OpenDataSource函数、OPENROWSET 函数,关于函数的详细说明,请参考SQL联机帮助。利用下述方法,可以十分容易地实现SQL SERVER、ACCESS、EXCEL数据转换,hoto of a general purpose timer/counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control DC or servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or stepper motors using its square wave capabilities. The figure below is the actual output (square wave) from the 8254 card captured by an oscilloscope: -This a p familiar with the SQL Server 2000 database administrators know, the DTS can import data is derived, in fact, we can also use Transact-SQL for importing and exporting operation. The Transact-SQL statements, we mainly use OpenDataSource function, OPENROWSET function, the function of the details, please refer to SQL online help. Use the following method, it is easy to SQL Server, Access, Excel data conversion, HOTO of a general purpose timer/counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC ISA bus s just like a sound card or modem. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control or DC servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or Stepper motors using its square wave capabi
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 海应 | Hits:

[Web ServerLivaV2.0

Description: 环境要求 1、操 作 系 统:Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003简体中文版 2、数据库服务器:Microsoft SQL Server 2000 3、Web 服 务 器:Jdk-1_5_X-windows-i586-p + Tomcat 5.5.X -an environmental requirements, operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 English version 2, database server : Microsoft SQL Server 2000 3, Web server : Jdk- 1_5_X-windows-i586-p Tomcat 5.5.X
Platform: | Size: 1515520 | Author: 焦远锋 | Hits:


Description: 体育馆预约系统: --------------------------------------- 数据库: gym,SLQ Server 2000 数据库用户名/密码: sa/无 普通用户:test/test 管理员: admin/admin 数据库连接位于 gym\Connections\gym.asp文件中 解压密码:admin 主要模块:添加新场地、场地维护、预约确认、预约统计、注销等。-Coliseum booking system : several--------------------------------------- According to library : gym, SLQ Server 2000 database user name/password : sa/no ordinary users : test/test administrator : admin/admin database connections at the gym \ Connections \ gym.as p document extracting Password : admin main modules : Add a new venue, site maintenance, booking confirmation, booking statistics, deregistration.
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: domain | Hits:


Description: 会务管理系统,运行平台 Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 9*/ME Windows NT 简单得一个网上会务管理系统,主要是用JAVABEAN组件开发的,数据库是SQL SERVER 2000,JDBC-ODBC连数据库。-association management system, Platform Windows Server 2003 Windows 2000 Windows X P Windows 9*/ME Windows NT in a simple online business of management systems, it is mainly used JAVABEAN development of the components, the database is SQL Server 2000. JDBC-ODBC connected databases.
Platform: | Size: 10990592 | Author: | Hits:

[SQL ServerSQLServer2000(ppt)

Description: 很不错的一份SQL2000的教材,简单明了,便于新手学习。-SQL2000 A good teaching materials, simple, easy to learn novice.
Platform: | Size: 5004288 | Author: 杨飞 | Hits:

[SQL ServerSQL+Server+2000(PDF)1

Description: 学习SQL的教程,简单明了,希望和大家分享,学习-Learning SQL tutorial, simple and clear, would like to share, learn
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[SQL ServerSQL-Server-2000

Description: SQL Server 2000开发者指南(PDF)
Platform: | Size: 8499200 | Author: 皮鞋匠 | Hits:

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