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Title: 用 JAVA 开发游戏连连看 Download
 Description: filed JAVA, I believe we are not unfamiliar to the bar, Java is a very fine language. Current areas of Java J2EE, JSP, STRUTS technology do not know how popular that their main purpose is for enterprise development, J2ME was also due to a large number of mobile devices, therefore, there are a number of procedures, in particular the game is on the J2ME platform development, but is J2SE seemed only been used as an interface to do the procedure, even APPLET few people use (With FLASH, who then used APPLET ah). Using Java to develop desktop platform of the game, few people seem to do so, we may think of a game will be expected to do C, C, the compilation. Earlier on the day I became fascinated with the game QQ "1000 block of Terry Avenue," apart from the game, you have, and I want to
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