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Title: 车牌定位 Download
 Description: plates is positioning system for automatic vehicle identification can be an important part of the right of access to the entire image plates some of the specific steps 1.24 true color-gt; 256-color grayscale. 2. Pretreatment : median filter. 3. Binary : an initial threshold value T A pair of images for two to be two binary images B value. T initial threshold value to determine the method is : Select threshold T = Tc- (Tc-Gmin)/3, respectively Gmin saturated and is the highest and the lowest gray value. The threshold values for different licenses are certain adaptability, to ensure that basic background was home to 0, to highlight regional licenses. 4. Weakened background interference. The images do simple B adjacent pixel value is reduced, the new images to be G, Gi, j = Pi, j- Pi, j-1
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