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Title: MATLAB教室人数统计系统 Download
 Description: This topic is based on MATLAB classroom statistics, with rich human-computer interaction GUI interface. Realize the counting statistics of the number of students in the classroom, and then count the attendance rate and the proportion of listening carefully in class. The original preset total number of people, no attendance or books cover the face, prone to play mobile phones, etc. will not be able to collect the face, thus the corresponding number of missing, get attendance rate or listening rate. This project uses skin color principle to locate and segment face. In this project, for the sake of the beauty of GUI, the separated faces are displayed in axes corresponding to GUI. It's a good design topic.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader MATLAB道长]
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MATLAB教室人数统计系统\GUI界面设计图.png 160068 2019-07-21
MATLAB教室人数统计系统\face_collection.fig 44745 2020-07-30
MATLAB教室人数统计系统\face_collection.m 7193 2020-07-30
MATLAB教室人数统计系统\打开方式.txt 572 2020-07-31
MATLAB教室人数统计系统\教室人数统计文档.doc 276480 2020-07-30
MATLAB教室人数统计系统\测试图片.jpg 159450 2017-04-20
MATLAB教室人数统计系统 0 2020-07-31

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