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Title: SAM-master Download
 Description: Sam is a very small Text-To-Speech (TTS) program written in C, that runs on most popular platforms. It is an adaption to C of the speech software SAM (Software Automatic Mouth) for the Commodore C64 published in the year 1982 by Don't Ask Software (now SoftVoice, Inc.). It includes a Text-To-Phoneme converter called reciter and a Phoneme-To-Speech routine for the final output. It is so small that it will work also on embedded computers. On my computer it takes less than 39KB (much smaller on embedded devices as the executable-overhead is not necessary) of disk space and is a fully stand alone program. For immediate output it uses the SDL-library, otherwise it can save .wav files.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
SAM-master 0 2020-02-10
SAM-master\.gitignore 19 2020-02-10
SAM-master\Makefile 489 2020-02-10
SAM-master\README.md 7073 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos 0 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\Guess Number.bat 1793 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo1.bat 98 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo2.bat 2123 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo3.bat 2721 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo4.bat 354 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo5.bat 883 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo6.bat 6153 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo7.bat 255 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo8.bat 344 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demo9.bat 1318 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demoA.bat 509 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demoB.bat 745 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demoC.bat 1199 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos\demoD.bat 471 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash 0 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo1.sh 114 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo2.sh 2145 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo3.sh 2819 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo4.sh 380 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo5.sh 917 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo6.sh 6679 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo7.sh 276 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo8.sh 381 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demo9.sh 1357 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demoA.sh 522 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demoB.sh 773 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demoC.sh 1234 2020-02-10
SAM-master\demos_bash\demoD.sh 489 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src 0 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\ReciterTabs.h 29667 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\RenderTabs.h 18786 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\SamTabs.h 5806 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\debug.c 2043 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\debug.h 376 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\main.c 7575 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\reciter.c 10081 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\reciter.h 137 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\render.c 31525 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\render.h 122 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\sam.c 40628 2020-02-10
SAM-master\src\sam.h 1336 2020-02-10

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