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Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms
Title: 线搜索算法 Download
 Description: The steepest descent method and Newton Wolff algorithm in line search algorithm are realized
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader lthugg]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
线搜索算法 0 2020-04-04
线搜索算法\backtracking.m 190 2020-03-18
线搜索算法\calc_func.m 1076 2020-03-18
线搜索算法\contour_func.m 248 2020-03-22
线搜索算法\deepest_descent_backtracking.m 517 2020-03-22
线搜索算法\newton_wolfe.m 678 2020-03-22
线搜索算法\Rosenbrock.m 158 2020-02-21
线搜索算法\rosenbrock2d.m 67 2020-03-22
线搜索算法\线搜索.pdf 271704 2020-03-22

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