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Title: 安卓手机远程管理SV6.0 Download
 Description: Researchers at Symantec have discovered a new type of Trojan horse called Dendroid, which can easily be used to manipulate mobile phones remotely and maliciously. Symantec had previously discovered an Android remote management software called Android RAT, which was believed to be the first malicious binding software. However, this newly discovered Dendroid running on HTTP is more powerful.
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安卓手机远程管理SV6.0\安卓手机远程管理SV6.0.exe 2015232 2016-09-18
安卓手机远程管理SV6.0\配置\系统配置.ini 47 2016-09-17
安卓手机远程管理SV6.0\配置 0 2016-09-17
安卓手机远程管理SV6.0 0 2016-09-19

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