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Title: NSGA-III Download
  • Category:
  • matlab
  • Tags:
  • File Size:
  • 14kb
  • Update:
  • 2018-10-16
  • Downloads:
  • 1 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • 朱朱521
 Description: The test can run and modify the function according to its own situation. NSGA-III first defines a set of reference points. Then the initial population containing N individuals (preferably the same number of reference points as the original literature) was randomly generated, where N was the size of the population. Next, the algorithm is iterated until the termination condition is satisfied. On the basis of current population Pt, the algorithm simulates two-point crossover (SBX) and polynomial mutation to produce offspring population Qt by random selection.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 朱朱521]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
YPEA126 NSGA-III\license.txt 1350 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\AssociateToReferencePoint.m 1363 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\Crossover.m 937 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\Dominates.m 956 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\GenerateReferencePoints.m 1321 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\license.txt 1350 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\main.m 800 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\MOP2.m 2613 2018-06-29
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\Mutate.m 970 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\NonDominatedSorting.m 2251 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\NormalizePopulation.m 1291 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\nsga3.m 3873 2018-06-29
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\PerformScalarizing.m 1628 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\PlotCosts.m 1023 2018-06-30
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\SortAndSelectPopulation.m 2347 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\UpdateIdealPoint.m 1068 2016-12-12
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\wifi_through.m 735 2018-06-29
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III\www.yarpiz.com.url 121 2015-08-23
YPEA126 NSGA-III\www.yarpiz.com.url 121 2015-08-23
YPEA126 NSGA-III\NSGA-III 0 2018-07-01
YPEA126 NSGA-III 0 2017-09-12

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