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Title: Roller bearing dynamics Download
 Description: The dynamics of cylindrical roller bearing can be solved
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader JX334926]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
FAFH.f90 2796 2017-06-15
FSIM.f90 1854 2017-05-10
FUNCTIONS.f90 29098 2017-06-18
GGL2.f90 6444 2017-06-18
HALFp.f90 264 2017-04-11
INTEGRALP.f90 2882 2017-04-14
OUTFP.f90 442 2017-04-11
ROLLER-CAGE-ELASTIC.f90 4320 2017-06-18
ROLLER-CAGE-FORCE.f90 2394 2017-05-19
Roller-cage-force-function.f90 114 2017-03-30
ROLLER-RACE-LOAD.f90 5189 2017-06-07
TRACTION.f90 3147 2017-06-18
Trapezoid.f90 218 2017-03-30
XinXoutget.f90 3802 2017-04-18
XoutHout.f90 4110 2017-05-20

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