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Downloads SourceCode Applications Finance-Stock software system
Title: MQL4(1) Download
 Description: 1, this software has gone through countless versions of continuous research and development results, absorbing the advantages of many peer friends. 2, this software is also a grid type, but the integration of breakthrough function, opening is based on our own research and development indicators. 3, after opening the warehouse to the fifth floor, it will automatically multi currency hedging order. To reduce the risk. So there is no need to worry about the risk of floating loss. After testing, the floating loss will not exceed 5%. 4, robust is the biggest advantage of this EA. More than 50% of the annual profit is very stable. Margin possession is not more than 1000. 5, there is a certain demand for funds, preferably at more than 5000. If the funds are bigger, the risk is slightly larger. 6, in the currency, Europe and America, cycle, 15 minutes.
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新建文件夹 (2) 0 2016-12-08
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