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Title: ASM & AAM Download
 Description: Using aam/asm algorithm for hand gesture recognition routines, including MATLAB source code
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_align_data.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_align_data_inverse.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_Appearance2Vector.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_ApplyModel.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_CombineShapeAppearance.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_MakeAppearanceModel.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_MakeSearchModel.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_MakeShapeModel.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_NormalizeAppearance.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_Vector2Appearance.m
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions\AAM_Weights.m
ASM & AAM\AAM_example.m
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions\ASM_align_data.m
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions\ASM_align_data_inverse.m
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions\ASM_ApplyModel.m
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions\ASM_GetContourNormals.m
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions\ASM_getProfileAndDerivatives.m
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions\ASM_MakeAppearanceModel.m
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions\ASM_MakeShapeModel.m
ASM & AAM\ASM_example.m
ASM & AAM\Fotos\r.JPG
ASM & AAM\Fotos\test001.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train001.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train001.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train002.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train002.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train003.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train003.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train004.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train004.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train005.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train005.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train006.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train006.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train007.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train007.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train008.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train008.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train009.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train009.mat
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train010.jpg
ASM & AAM\Fotos\train010.mat
ASM & AAM\Functions\DrawContourGui.fig
ASM & AAM\Functions\DrawContourGui.m
ASM & AAM\Functions\drawObject.m
ASM & AAM\Functions\linspace_multi.m
ASM & AAM\Functions\LoadDataSetNiceContour.m
ASM & AAM\Functions\PCA.m
ASM & AAM\Functions\PreProcessCp2tform.m
ASM & AAM\Functions\SelectPosition.asv
ASM & AAM\Functions\SelectPosition.m
ASM & AAM\Functions\test001.jpg
ASM & AAM\AAM Functions
ASM & AAM\ASM Functions
ASM & AAM\Fotos
ASM & AAM\Functions

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