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Title: lcd_driver_step_by_step(based_samsung_s6d0129) Download
 Description: Tools : ads1.2 major IC : MCU : lpc2210 (NXP) LCD driver and controller IC : s6d012 (samsung) purposes : lcd-driven development portal, s6d0129 reference to the development of relevant information : circuit diagram lcd driver guide/tft lcd driving principle and the development process lcd mo dule document/samsung s6d0129 the liquid and the datasheet Jing Ping spec mcu document/nxp the Chinese and English datashee lpc2210 t source code/s6d0129 driver/lpc2210 Based on the platform without parade system for lcd (s6d0129) driver source code source code/s6d0129 dr iver with minigui/lpc2210 platform based on the operating system without lcd (s6d 0129) driver source code, add the minigui middleware, complex graphics and text show
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