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Title: ComAssistant串口通信Comport Download
 Description: serial debugging assistant v1.0 use of this procedure complete reference Dan "serial debugging assistant V2.2" produced, the original software was prepared by the VC, I will use it to prepare Delphi, as I learn of a serial programming examples and the use of tools. Which used to ComPort Serial control, the control of open-source software, have downloaded all the major websites, The current version 3.0. The use of platforms : the IMS software is currently only three-wire (NONMODEM) Serial Debugger use all the functions were placed on the interface, transparent, its meaning is self-evident, only here for hexadecimal Send a note : hexadecimal this : elections (CHECK) hexadecimal sent, procedures will be sent automatically from the box from 16 decimal numbers sent, preferably by comp
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