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Downloads SourceCode Other Speech/Voice recognition/combine
Title: ER-code Download
 Description: emotion recognition using speech signals
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader sirisha]
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File list (Check if you may need any files):

ER code\Code
.......\....\random generator 1.cpp
.......\....\random generator 2.cpp
.......\...........\~$Experiment1 - Test Set.xlsx
.......\...........\Experiment1 - Test Set.xlsx
.......\...........\Experiment1- Training Set.xlsx
.......\...........\Experiment2 - Test Set.xlsx
.......\...........\Experiment2- Training Set.xlsx
.......\...........\Experiment3- Test Set.xlsx
.......\...........\Experiment3- Training Set.xlsx
.......\........\Numbered list of emotions.xlsx
.......\........\Table of features.xlsx

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