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Title: sipp.svn Download
 Description: sipp the sip protocol performance testing of a software system. The sipp able to initiate one or more calls to the remote system. Sipp call origination end (uac) and call receiving end (uas) function call completion performance testing on intermediate device (TG). sipp according xxx.xml scene description file to the SIP call setup, handling and release
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........\Untitled Project.IAB
........\Untitled Project.IAD
........\Untitled Project.IMB
........\Untitled Project.IMD
........\Untitled Project.PFI
........\Untitled Project.PO
........\Untitled Project.PR
........\Untitled Project.PRI
........\Untitled Project.PS
........\Untitled Project.SearchResults
........\Untitled Project.WK3

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