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Title: Art-of-Assemble Download
 Description: Classic 16-bit assembly language development tutorial
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
Art of Assemble\Ch01 Data Representation.pdf
...............\Ch02 Boolean Algebra.pdf
...............\Ch03 System Organization.pdf
...............\Ch04 Memory Layout and Access.pdf
...............\Ch05 Variables and Data Structures.pdf
...............\Ch06 The 80x86 Instruction Set.pdf
...............\Ch07 The UCR Standard Library.pdf
...............\Ch08 MASM-Directives & Pseudo-Opcodes.pdf
...............\Ch09 Arithmetic and Logical Operations.pdf
...............\Ch10 Control Structures.pdf
...............\Ch11 Procedures and Functions.pdf
...............\Ch12 Procedures-Advanced Topics.pdf
...............\Ch13 MS-DOSPC-BIOSand File IO.pdf
...............\Ch14 Floating Point Arithmetic.pdf
...............\Ch15 Strings and Character Sets.pdf
...............\Ch16 Pattern Matching.pdf
...............\Ch17 InterruptsTrapsand Exceptions.pdf
...............\Ch18 Resident Programs.pdf
...............\Ch19 ProcessesCoroutinesand Concurrency.pdf
...............\Ch20 The PC Keyboard.pdf
...............\Ch21 The PC Parallel Ports.pdf
...............\Ch22 The PC Serial Ports.pdf
...............\Ch23 The PC Video Display.pdf
...............\Ch24 The PC Game Adapter.pdf
...............\Ch25 Optimization Your Code.pdf
...............\附录 AppendixB Annotated Bibliography.pdf
...............\附录 AppendixC Keyboard Scan Codes.pdf
...............\附录 AppendixD Instruction Set Reference.pdf
Art of Assemble

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