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Title: Android-system-boot-analyze- Download
 Description: Android system starting procedure analyze .doc This paper mainly introduces the Android system startup process, to Androidinit after process part is given priority to, init with standard Linux kernel part before start completely the same. In Android start-up process complex, involving C, C++ and Java part, this paper to process analysis to let everybody as the main analysis is a system in Android clear ideas. In view of the limited my level, if there is the place of paper is not straight, please not stingy correct, I appreciate! The system can be roughly divided into a few start-up stage: · bootloader-initialization, read from Flash Kernel image and some must configuration information, so as to guide the Kernel start · linuxkernel start Linux kernel · init process start · init process read init. Rc start daemon necessary procedures, such as: adbd, vold, netd, etc · init process start servicemanager-then detailed analysis of the process · init process start zygote-then detailed
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