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Title: OBJ-File-Loader Download
 Description: OBJ file definate the geometrical characteristic and other features of objects,as the structures of this file is simple,it is widely used to transform between application program and 3D files.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader guilinzi_1987]
 To Search:
  • [CtrlOBJ] - . Obj file to read the code, on the requ
File list (Check if you may need any files):
OBJ File Loader\BONE.BMP
...............\.....\Obj Loader.bsc
...............\.....\Obj Loader.exe
...............\.....\Obj Loader.ilk
...............\.....\Obj Loader.pch
...............\.....\Obj Loader.pdb
...............\Obj Loader.dsp
...............\Obj Loader.dsw
...............\Obj Loader.ncb
...............\Obj Loader.opt
...............\Obj Loader.plg
OBJ File Loader

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