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Title: jiaotongdeng Download
 Description: Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology is a strong practical discipline, not only ask for a higher theoretical level, but also requires practical ability, Many of the original amount, rules, phenomena alone can not fully grasp the textbook learning, and practice must be more intuitive and profound Understanding. Design task and objectives of this course are: to help students consolidate and deepen understanding of the theoretical knowledge, practical skills training for students, so the tree Engineering perspective and rigorous set of scientific style, with a preliminary analysis of the use of theoretical knowledge and solve problems. Students learn to apply the rationale On the ability to solve practical problems, to enable students to initially master the simple circuit analysis, debugging and writing simple assembler test reports. Cross the traffic lights crossing traffic laws is a silent command, the code of conduct for drivers and pedestrians. Cross the traffic
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  • [weijiyuanli] - Microcomputer Principle Design- includes
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