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Title: PracticalTutorialJavaEE Download
 Description: Java+ EE A Practical Guide (electronic teaching+ code) Chapter 1 Introduction to Java EE. Ppt basis of Chapter 2 of JSP applications. Ppt Chapter 3 Application of Struts 2. Ppt Hibernate application of Chapter 4. Ppt Spring application of Chapter 5. Ppt Chapter 6, Struts 2, Hibernate and. ppt Practice 1 Chapter 7 Ajax.ppt Online Book Shopping System. ppt code as text, PPT hyperlink to read. Debugging environment can be used to develop, very suitable for beginners.
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File list (Check if you may need any files):
..................................\第1章  Java EE简介.ppt
..................................\第2章  JSP应用基础.ppt
..................................\第3章  Struts 2应用.ppt
..................................\第4章  Hibernate应用.ppt
..................................\第5章  Spring应用.ppt

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