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Title: Aion_C_Emu_DeBug_09_12_19 Download
 Description: 1. Install Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 or later, this is c++ runtime environment. 2. Install MySql server program, the establishment of a database called aion_emu or any other implementation of sql script file folder generate tables, manually set the relevant data account_data item. 3. server.xml configuration file folders, and server-related settings to the same. 4. first start LoginServer, then start GameServer. a number of GM commands: lacationid himself to add bind_points.xml file transfer: @ teleport <locationid> For example: @ teleport 2 transfer: @ job <jobid> For example: @ job 1 brush strange: @ spwan <npcid> For example: @ spwan 20000 Notice: @ notice <message> For example: @ notice the server will be shut down after 1 minute Shuaqian: @ money <count> For example: @ money 999999999 brush-class: @ level <lv> For example: @ level 50 brushes and equipment: @ item <itemid> For example: @ item 100000094 learning skills: @ skill <skillid
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