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Title: hmac_sha Download
 Description: HMAC-SHA1 signatures to achieve further Base64 transcoder: (1) HMACSHA1.c: HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm to achieve (2) base64.c: base64 encoding algorithm.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader kadin]
  • [arithmetic] - SHA1 algorithm realize comparative C app
  • [base64] - Base64 encoding methods and routines, it
  • [HMAC-SHA1] - Relatively good code, can be HMAC comput
  • [base64] - BASE64-coded C implementation, it is str
  • [sha1] - SHA-1 algorithm in C language implementa
  • [HMAC-SHA] - hmac using SHA algorithm source code...
  • [hmac_sha1.tar] - Written in C language HMAC SHA1 encrypti
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